Monday, 20 January 2014

Week One - London Town

It's Wednesday 15th January 2014; my brothers birthday.  It's 9:30am.  In front of me are three white wines, two red wines and a dessert wine.  "Let's taste the first one" says our tutor Jim.  I know I'm renounced for enjoying my drinks but this may even be pushing it too far for me...

I arrived in London on Monday at the start if a trip and a transition to a new career that has been months in the planning (ask my work colleagues).  In the one hand it was bizarre that it was happening but on the other it had been so meticulously planned that it went without saying.

Once again my dear friend Lindsey had very graciously let me stay with her for a week whilst I undertook my Wine Society Education Trust (WSET) Level 2 course....the beginning of turning me from someone who thinks they know something about wine to one who realises they know nothing and back out the other side.

By way of background, I decided a couple of years ago it was time to go find a career I loved rather than one I'd been trained to do (I may regret writing this if I end up back in the corporate world).  After two stalled attempts at actually leaving (I always thought you needed the grand master plan and I didn't have it) everything suddenly fell into place.  I love the artistry and creativity of wine and winemaking....I want to be a part of it.  I'm 40, I'm off my head....ah well time to give it a go and see what happens.

So I'm in London, I'm on a WSET course and I have no idea what comes next.

The course has been fantastic.  Intense (I know what you're all's're drinking it all day...what's hard....well you try working out the geography of the regions and sub regions of France and the best wines that come from each.....if you're interested I may run some wine tasting courses in the future and explain it all in lay mans terms).

What did I learn....well aside from the technicalities I won't bore you with:

1. I can taste and evaluate a wine without swallowing
2. On the premise of (1) my limit is about 18 wines a day
3. I have; subconsciously; been visiting wine regions of the world for years and am very fortunate to have travelled as much as I have.....Italy, Sicily, France, Spain, Napa Valley (USA), Margaret River, Yarra Valley, Rutherglen, Hunters Valley, Mornington Penninsula (all Aus), all of NZ, Stellenbosch and Franschoek (South Africa)
4. With what I have learned I have to travel to these places again with a "wine connoisseur" hat on....this year Yarra, Mornington, South Island NZ, South America, Brighton (England).

So week two starts with me here in a lounge at Heathrow flying out to Aus and NZ.  Next big stop....2 months in a vineyard / winery in NZ.

I'll keep you posted.

During my time in London I....

....HUNG OUT in Blackheath.....if you're in London don't miss it.... A great suburb with brilliant shops, cafés, farmers markets and more importantly a massive Heath filled with sporty sorts, kite surfers, walkers, strollers, duck feeding, the church where Terry Waite worked...all set against a juxtaposed view of Canary Whsrf...the centre of UK capitalism...

....WINED ON....too many to mention from the course but Sainsbury's Winemaker Selection Albariño from Rais Baixas....balanced perfectly with Jamie Oliver's Mustsrd Chicken.....

....DINED ON....The Railway Pub, Blackheath's Roast Norfolk Pork with all the trimmings and apple and sage sauce YYYUUUMMM.

Til the next time...

Happy birthday brother....and hope the boys loved the pics of the only thing they were interested in....Big Ben 

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