Sunday, 30 March 2014

Week Eleven...I'm a deviant

Bet that got you all interested!!!

Why am I a deviant? Because I'm writing this a night early and not following my usual style.

Why?  Because I've just realised (as if being slapped in the face) that this is my last night in NZ (for a while)

And what's important about that? A number of things:

1.  For those of you who have never been here, the South Island of NZ is very rural....stunning vistas from your house, beautiful weather, amazing wildlife, people who would do anything for you cos guess what? Community exists here in a big way...where Whanau (extended family) is a concept that goes beyond the Maori culture.  I am so grateful to all those who have put me up and put up with me.  I've met amazing people who, just because you're friends of friends, welcome you into their homes and their social life.

2. And most importantly...Kiwis have perspective on life. They don't dictate success by the size of their corporate job, the money they make, the house they own, the hours they work.  This is a society where capitalism rules.  Not in the obscene way where it's all about the money but where relationships, local support for local businesses and a portfolio career matter. 

So the point of all of this.  Well it's twofold...

1.  I come back to the UK on Friday.  Already people ask what I'm going to do when I'm back in the "real world" after my 3 month jaunt to the antipodes and "playing on a vineyard"?  Well the answer is that the biggest lesson I've had here is that the kiwi way of life should rule.  I'm coming back to try setting up a few different businesses and I look forward to having all of your support to make that happen.  I realise that it would be very easy to go and settle back into a corporate life making a healthy salary but life and business is more than that to me...that said,starting out on your own takes guts and courage and support beyond belief (especially when there isn't a partner backing you up with a permanent income stream) so all I ask is for your support and no "ah but..."

2.  Scottish Independence.  I've spent a lot of time til the very early hours of the morning debating this with the scots out here.  Firstly they don't get the vote and nor should they because they've opted to live their lives elsewhere so rhetoric has no place in what is a very sobering, thought provoking and almost scary place in history.  That said, being here and having those debates has forced me to really think about my justification for my position which we should all have to do.  I've already encouraged you all to read Alan Clements "Rogue Nation" which gives a whole different perspective on the issue.  But in the meantime, here's a slightly different perspective from the land of the long white cloud....forget the politics, forget the issues of how we would separate..focus on the long game.  What does an independent Scotland look like (cos by the way it's not necessarily the SNP who govern it)?  In my head here is why you would vote for independence summed up in one line "necessity is the mother of all invention".   If I was to vote for independence (and I'm truly undecided) then I would do so based on the fact that we could be as big a nation as NZ by being as small a nation as NZ.  In other words forget the debates about if and why...Scotland can be magnificent in all aspects when it wants to be...just like NZ.  We are the underdogs, we are those who perform best when our backs are against the wall.. We have invented and exported significant pioneering breakthroughs of the 19th & 20th century and there is no reason we can't do the same in the 21st.  So believe in ourselves, be entrepreneurial, don't put "ah but" social pressures on ourselves and dare to have your back against the wall...cos that is when we are at our greatest.

No wined on, dined on etc tonight (even though they were the best yet). Just a big old plea for your support with my new ventures of which you'll hear more....

Have a good one


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