Monday, 16 June 2014

Week Twenty Two - The Gambler and The Angels

Before I start I would just like to point out what a stunning stunning day it has been here in Glasgow - it's amazing how beautiful the place is when the sun is out and the birds are singing (well except when the locals insist on it meaning "taps aff" - "tops off" for those of you who are not locals).  Here's hoping it continues for the rest of the Queens Baton Relay wherever it is and for the 11 days of the Commonwealth Games which are now just around the corner - can't wait!!

So what tales from the last week?  Well first and foremost it's all about the infamous lines from the Kenny Rodgers classic The Gambler...

"You've got to know when to hold'em,
Know when to fold'em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run..."

Yes you guessed it. Having now completed a full business case (it has been commented by many that it is extremely thorough, detailed, balanced and planned - something which my uni friends inform me they would always expect!!) and reviewed all the pluses and minuses, I have chosen to be very mature and business like and not pursue my plans AT THIS TIME or in their current format. Unfortunately the risks outweighed the benefits enough to tip even me (the extremely hard working, focused, passionate person) onto the side of the answer being no.

The great thing though is that I have gained a huge amount of knowledge in the last couple of months; met and reconnected with a vast number of people who are so keen to help in any way they can; learned how slowly business can actually work and how best to deal with challenges; know that whilst everyone is keen to help it is still ultimately all on you and therefore realise I can be grown up enough to know my limits and not to breach them.

So I have a great business plan sitting on the shelf awaiting the right time and the right place - and even the right partners.

In the meantime it's back to the drawing board - well once the sun stops shining and the Games are over!!

Whilst coming to these conclusions I...

...HUNGOUT WITH...Tom Potter, Mr & Mrs Potter and Mrs Chesnutt on a very unexpected trip to Belfast as guests at the Robbie Williams Swings Both Ways concert.  

Those of you who follow this blog regularly know that Tom was a finalist in the UK Young Drummer of the Year competition.  One of the judges was the super talented Karl Brazil who is Robbies drummer.  Tom clearly made such an impression that he invited Tom to the gig on Saturday night.  It was fantastic - Robbie at his best and viewed from an amazing vantage point (with Phil The Power Taylor sitting right in front of us).  

Tom had a blast and I swear could have taken over at any point that night given how much air drumming he was doing!! To watch someone so young with such talent be so inspired by the people who they aspire to be is a truly amazing thing. And I'm sure it won't be long before it's Toms turn!!!

Thanks to Robbie for an amazing show (swing really is your thing though clearly the night wasn't complete without some of the old classics and the big finale of Angels - it never fails to get everyone to their feet and the karaoke from the audience started), Karl for taking an interest and giving Tom this opportunity but most of all to Tom for having the talent, passion and confidence to be the amazing drummer he is (if you haven't watched him before you'll find him under TomPotterDrums on YouTube)...

...WINED ON...way too many gorgeous wines at the annual wine list change event at Cafe Gandolfi. There were a couple of stand outs but beyond remembering one of them was Swiss red and the other Greek White I can't remember anything else about them - a lot of development work on decorum, note taking and retaining your notes to be done before I can call myself a professional of the wine industry me thinks...

...COCKTAILED ON...special mention this week for the three gin cocktails we sampled in Flame in Belfast on Saturday (also known as World Gin Day so it would have been rude not to).  The standout for me was the Elderflower Giblet which was just stunning - gin, elderflower and lime with just a dash of soda....

...DINED ON...not enough at the Cafe Gandolfi event and pretty much just crisps in Belfast which might explain a lot.  One really must grow up...

...until next week - have a great one

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