Literally hardly a day went by without another birthday to acknowledge, card to post, present to wrap. It's great. Some have been significant (I won't name names but you know who you are). Some not so significant.
Not long after I returned home from NZ I met a friend of mine who's birthday was approaching. She suggested we shouldn't really bother about them now we're post 40 - it's just another day. I was outraged. Everyone deserves to have their birthday acknowledged. To be spoilt. To have a day which gives them the right to throw diets and routine out of the window.
So my birthday was this week. And what do you know - I felt the same as my friend. It's no big deal anymore. Just another day.
As much as most of you wouldn't believe it, I don't like being the centre of attention. What I prefer doing on my birthday is to have a day when you do what you enjoy doing. And so it was that after a taxing bike ride (not necessarily what i enjoy doing but the vehicle by which i gain brownie points / vanquish guilt for what followed for the rest of the week), I did what I enjoy doing most - something for others. I made a big batch of Pimms cupcakes and shared them with friends and family to bring a bit of enjoyment and surprise and smiles to their day (sorry if you didn't get one - top of the list for next time).
As for the rest of the day (in fact week) it was filled with friends (old and new), family, food and fizz which are all the things in life I love.
So to those who shared my over indulgent week thank you - it was great (not so much now judging by my jeans - you can only blame the tumble dryer for so long).
And to those with a birthday approaching I say don't ignore it; gift yourself a day of what makes you happy - there are 364 other days to make up for it!!
Whilst quietly celebrating I...
...HUNG OUT AT...West George St with The Riccione Nine (minus a couple) to congratulate the Scotland Commonwealth Games Team on their amazing success at the Games (hard to believe the opening ceremony was only four weeks ago tonight - it feels like a lifetime ago)
...WINED ON...many beautiful wines on Saturday eve including this one
...DINED ON...beautiful beautiful stunning small plates / tapas at The Ox and Finch. This place gets such great press (and I know I've already acknowledged it) and deservedly so. The staff are great (even when you make them choose your meal), the atmosphere relaxed, the decor shabby chic, the menu extensive and innovative, the flavours out of this world and the wines great too. My personal favourite this time was a dessert of Coconut Panna Cotta, Mango, Black Olive Caramel and Pistacchio Soldiers...basically it looked like a boiled egg with toast. "Black olive caramel!?!?!?" I hear you cry. Yes and I was the only one brave enough to order it and (until the rest of my party were badgered into it) to try it. Unusual, innovative and worked so well with the rest of the dessert. As Hilary would say "yyuuuummmm".
Until next week - have a good one
G x
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