Monday, 28 April 2014

Week Fifteen: I have the ideas but is that enough?

Well here we are at the start of week two of business planning and already the lessons are flooding in...

1.  It is important to know your strengths (and weaknesses) - the first thing I need to do is test the viability of the ideas I've had for Snowden Enterprises Ltd (not the real name of the company(ies).  To do that the initial bit involves sitting in front of the computer and writing a business plan.  Articulating the vision of what you're trying to achieve, validating whether the opportunity really does exist, working out the costs involved and then reworking your vision to make the profit stack up.  All of this requires you to really know what your strengths and weaknesses are and to work with them.  I know I am disciplined - I set a goal of having the first of the businesses documented in an initial business plan by the end of this week and it shall be done because that goal was set and I will meet it.  I know I like research so sitting in front of the computer finding stuff out appeals to me.  I know I can question my own thinking which has already changed aspects of the plan (location of the business, physical set up of the business - all changing when you actually force yourself to think about customer and price/profit etc).  On the converse though, I'm not very good in my own head.  As some of you will well remember from your long periods of working with me, I tend to think out loud (not something you do from your own study when you know your next door neighbour will hear you) so that makes working on my own in these initial stages quite challenging.  I also can have the tendency to over analyse and doubt what I'm doing.  Twice today already, as I've started to really look at the numbers, I've started considering a "proper job" again - its so much easier!!  Especially when you're looking at businesses which you have no experience in.  Which takes me to my last personality trait which could be a hindrance - I'm a control freak so instead of recognising my skill set as the business of business and relying on others to get into the "product", I like to learn it, understand it, do it and control it all for myself….could be an interesting few months and years ahead there then!!

2.  Don't get distracted!!  I came back to Glasgow last week with a clear idea that all of this business planning would start on Tuesday.  It didn't.  Tuesday became about stemming my outgoing finances (no not by stopping going out - well that will come now) by focusing on getting the house on the holiday rental market.  Wednesday was spent at the Glasgow Science Centre with Glenda and her son Blair (a brilliant day out but not a business plan in sight).  Thursday again became about the house and so Friday was the day when all this was due to start.  So here is how Friday went…a late return from saying bye to the crew from NZ who had been visiting (not that I would have had it any other way), a realisation that I needed some things at the shop, an impromptu visit from the plumber about a problem in the house swiftly followed by the arrival of my dear mother for a coffee.  What time did we actually start doing anything….well that would have been 12:45pm and I had to leave the house at 5:30!!….I totally empathise with my friends who for years have been telling me how a day can just disappear when you are on maternity leave.

3.  By falling fowl of point 2 and picking up on point 1, I found myself almost giving up before I started (well from a comedy perspective anyway).  At the Glasgow Science Centre you can take an online survey which tells you what your work traits are and the sort of environment its best for you to work in etc.  Bearing in mind the context of trying to set up a business, the survey told me that I was fairly conventional and best suited to office life (though with an artistic tendency best suited to an unstructured environment!!).  As well as being artistic and conventional, I display a bent towards being social and scored least well on being enterprising, investigative or realistic.  So there we have it, by my own fair answers I am doomed!!!!!

4.  Who do you know who?  I never understood that statement when my old boss used to use it years ago in the Bank but I get it now.  I have never appreciated how well connected I am until I started to turn my attention to something new.  In sharing my ideas with my family and friends it has astounded me the knowledge they have on the subject (well they could all be customers after all), or that they know of someone who can help on at least one or more aspects of what I'm trying to do.  It has been pretty amazing and as soon as these plans are more structured I will be out there making the most of the connections you have shared with me so far.  Most of all I would summarise "who do I know who…" by saying I know a great number of friends and family who are being very supportive even in these early stages and I thank you all for that.

So having wobbled a bit this afternoon and clicked on a couple of corporate opportunities, I now find myself sitting here a lot clearer on what one of my businesses needs to look like.  The rest of this week is about getting crystal clear, getting it on paper, sharing it and getting meetings set up for next week to try to take this forward.  I have clarity on the parameters with which this can happen (which I guess will help with one of my other weaknesses - having a position of strength when facing into dreaded negotiations).

I promise as soon as I can I will share what it is I'm up to.

In the meantime, this week whilst in Glasgow I…

…HUNG OUT WITH…lots of my friends who I haven't seen this year (and to those I haven't seen yet I can't wait).  Its made for a busy old week with everything from the Glasgow Science Centre to the Glasgow Warriors v Edinburgh 1872 game with the Potter Clan (who I am very grateful to for their hospitality) but it is so great to see everyone and catch up on all that is going on.  

…WINED ON…many beautiful wines with Gary, Hans and Marion on Friday night - way too many to remember (from the champagne to the Grenache, the Ribera and the Chateauneuf-de-Pape).  Thank you to Marion for hosting us all in her beautiful home.  

…DINED ON…a multitude of lovely meals out courtesy of Marion, the Cleggs, the Kergons, the Potters, and Cafe Gandolfi with Glenda.  By far and away the restaurant meal of the week however has to go to The Fish People Cafe at Shields Road underground.  I have been meaning to dine here for years now and this was my first visit.  The cafe is decorated beautifully with a real statement bar, the staff were great, the menu and the wines beautiful.  All at a reasonable price and given its fish; not feeling overly full at the end!!

Until next time, have a great week.

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