Well I've struggled a bit with what to write this week. There has been huge progress in the last week in my business plans with the first draft of business number one complete (it's important to praise as well as push yourself!!). A 25 page doco covering the proposal, philosophy, offering, market research, pricing strategy, full financial assessment, legal and regulatory requirements, risk identification and management strategy, competitor analysis, job specifications, next steps etc - all that you'd expect but which I never thought I'd write!!
Alas the reason I'm struggling with what to write this week is twofold
1. I am not in a position to widely share yet what I'm doing (god forbid someone else should have the capital to beat me to my desired market if I put it out there)
2. I've spent a whole week inside my own head and sharing my thoughts (in the form of my business plans) with the computer therefore the thought of doing it again with the blog is somewhat challenging.
So this week is a bit short and sweet and goes something like this....
...business case one draft one is complete (there are three in total though there could be more...I have brilliant ideas everyday including buying the old original public toilets in Buchanan St and turning them into a tiny wine bar....no need for toilets just a big pile of 20 pences to use the new shiny public toilets at the front door!!!).
...now is the time to share business plan one with the relevant advisers and take onboard the feedback and challenge....I'm preparing to be bashed and bruised by the end of next week as I share my idea, plan and most importantly financials with a number of key advisers including experts in the relevant field, accountants, property consultants, lawyers, Business Gateway, the council and maybe a bank or two. I had the first of those meetings today and was so nervous cos you are literally putting yourself on the line when you talk openly about what you think is a good idea. A great meeting though which I left with refinement to my idea and a spring in my step. Thank you to the person involved....you know who you are. They won't all be like that but then this is part the process to test and challenge not only the idea but your drive and commitment. More next week on how those meetings go and the impact on my plans.
...business two is more organic and needs little investment but is gathering momentum and I hope to be able to share it in the next few weeks.
So that's it. Doesn't sound like much but I've never worked with such focus, drive and discipline in my life. I've met some of my old colleagues from the bank this week who ask if I'm missing it at all. The reality is no I'm not except when I look at my bank balance!!
So a big week next week....it's at times like these we do well to remember the wise words of a very dear friend of mine...."feedback is a gift"
I look forward to telling you what my "gifts" were like next week....the sort you love or the ones you have to feign being grateful for....you know THOSE gifts....
And lastly for this week I would like to apologise to all my friends I've caught up with this week. I acknowledged last week I'm not good in my own head so anyone who has been in my company has had a full on barrage of chat without the need to draw breath!! I am aware, I will improve!
In a bid for a break or two this week I have...
...HUNG OUT in Aberfoyle in the glorious sunshine with Hazel, supported Scotland at the Rugby 7s (great effort) and had a brilliant family day yesterday at Blair Drummond Safari Park with mum, Stuart, Jane and my beautiful nephews...
...WINED ON....too much (again). Standout though was the Godello at Cafe Gandolfi supplied by Judith Hardy and drunk /recommended by Jancis Robinson after her visit to Cafe G last weekend...
...DINED ON...beautiful hake with Parmesan crust, roasted Mediterranean veg and basil oil at Ian Browns Food and Drink....way too long between visits....mind you I have been away. Always a delight to catch up with Mr, Mrs and Master Brown. A stunning dinner as always.
Until next week....
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