Move forward a few months, remove yourself from the workplace you've developed a good reputation in and have a certain power due to seniority. Put yourself into a much wider tidal ocean, build your own vision within that ocean which is minnow like in the big scheme of things and before you know it, like the small scale of your project (in absolute terms) you realise you've gone from being an influential shark to something which resembles Nemo!! Cute, colourful, full of personality but lost in a world where you're a tiny fish in a massive ocean.
Perhaps a bit dramatic but the point is your importance is apparently totally relative to the absolute value of what you're trying to do. Forget the fact that a small business owner has to be more resourceful in finding a few thousand pounds than a player in the corporate world has to be in finding millions - if the absolute figure is small you seem to become insignificant. The fact that you are putting more on the line than any corporate player is completely overlooked.
The point of this? It's amazing how your loud voice becomes a whisper in this new frame of reference. How your deadlines are irrelevant for some (not all), how your threats of escalation mean nothing, and how shortsighted people are about who you may be and what you might achieve in the future (to quote another film do you remember when Julia Roberts was looked down on in the shop in Pretty Woman...."Big Mistake").
Then there are those who can see your vision, who are right behind you, who understand the importance of collaborative working, where it may lead and who pull out all the stops to help you (and ultimately them) achieve something amazing.
So to those on the latter side of the equation thank you so much for your support and the importance and urgency you have placed on what I am trying to achieve. May we have a long and fruitful future together where we swim as gracefully and as in sync as a school of fish.
To those who are the former you should know that the person you think is a wee Nemo swimming out her depth in a big ocean is in fact capable of being a bit of a shark if she has to be!!
Whilst being infuriated by people's lack of responsiveness I have...
...HUNG OUT AT...the Kelpies with Mum, Auntie and Norman. What an amazing sculpture. Hard to believe that so much steel can be so mesmerising. To have achieved something in that scale which pulls together the mystical, the historic, the industrial heritage and the future is a true feat. I didn't realise that what I'd previously seen at the Helix were the small scale version so when Andy Scott (their designer and so much more) described them as something that may rival the Statue of Liberty I thought him a bit conceited. Now I've seen the full sized version I take it back. They absolutely do.
....WINED embarrassingly corked bottle of wine which I took to friends...a bit embarrassing when you're awaiting your Wine Society exam results...
...DINED ON...a beautiful extended family heat and eat supper with the Chesnutts and Potters on Saturday, and lovely Jamie's Italian with the Riccione Nine on Friday (even if we all did feel a bit old to be right at the heart of the Big weekend club night at Geo Square)....for those of you who don't know the Riccione Nine is made up of the Glasgoe Nomad Masters Swimmers and their support crew who went to Riccione two years ago to compete in the world masters swimming championship...needless to say the swimmers performed a lot better than their support crew!!!
Until next week (and here's hoping the shark can stay at bay) ....
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