Clearly that's not me in the pictures but it is me in the words!!
This week has been full of meetings - my new accountant (if I achieve nothing else with this business at least I can say I had an accountant!!), industry experts, property consultants, potential suppliers....and just before each of these meetings the adrenalin kicks in, you wonder if you've taken a wee time-filling game too far or at least question exactly what it is that makes you think you've found a wee corner of a market that no-one else has exploited. That's just for starters. You then realise you know nothing about the ins and outs of what you're doing and that's when you really start to panic.
How do you cope? Well you pretend you are back in the professional world you know oh so well, pull on all those experiences, all the knowledge you've accumulated, and put on your confidence cloak to see you through. And as soon as you're talking the confidence comes back, people can see what you're trying to do, like it and go out their way to help make it happen.
For every moment of doubt it just takes a conversation with those around you to make you realise you're on to something and you can make it work and there is no reason you can't be that entrepreneur who cracked it. I can almost start writing the last blog now...."I had no idea how hard it would be but also how rewarding", "I've had many ups and downs, knock backs and set backs but it's all been worth it"......
It's a bit of a lonely game and sometimes you lose sight of how far you've come in just four weeks. Not least when you have two businesses you're trying to get off the ground.
And hence the title of the blog. I think this experience is lining itself up to be the closest I have come to having can't believe the state you've got yourself into, you feel sick a lot of the time, it will hurt like hell to get it out there and from the moment you conceive the idea your life is not your own...constantly thinking about it, worrying about it, trying to protect and nurture it and getting to the point of no return when you just have to go with it and know your life will never be the same again but so much richer for the experience..yes my new baby!!
So the pace is up again. This week it's trips down South to suppliers, finalising the numbers with the experts, lawyers, market research, trademarks and so on. Listen to me. And when I can finally share what I'm doing you could very much find yourself saying "is that it!!". We'll see
Whilst freaking out this week I have...
...HUNG home with my mum and nephews for a sleepover at my house full of treats, movies and midnight feasts and oh yes a 12:30am then 6am alarm call. Parks are so beautiful so early in the morning!!...
...WINED ON...Craig Francis Sauvignon Blanc, Craig Francis Pinot Noir 2011 and Craig Francis Pinot Noir 2012...the stunning wine samples currently adorning my hall which I was writing tasting notes for ahead of sharing the delight of them with potential customers...more of that to follow but trust me, if you appreciate great wine you'll want to be in the know on these beautiful wines...
...DINED ON...spaghetti with my mum and nephews (if only every meal was so messy!) and of course roast lamb followed by pavlova (Tom Kitchin style) with dear friends on Sunday eve...well what else other than a kiwi classic combo to compliment Craig's stunning wine (the consensus view not just mine).
Until next time...
And a wee extra. Tonight I have lost some of my identity...Mr Stewart Taylor just for you.., after 4.66 years of unashamedly living in this house with no curtains or blinds, frightening the people in the sheltered housing across the way...tonight I have blinds on every window. I don't know what shocks me more...the fact the windows are finally covered or the fact I've now been here for almost five years!!
Night night
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